
How to write both superscript and subscript text using geom_text in R?

I'd like to write a model equation in the graph.

nitrogen<- c(10,15,20,25)
yield<- c(50,70,85,30)
dataA<- data.frame(nitrogen,yield)

ggplot(data=dataA, aes(x=nitrogen, y=yield))+
  geom_point (col="Black", size=4) +
  stat_smooth(method='lm', linetype=1, se=FALSE, formula=y~poly(x,2, raw=TRUE), size=0.5, color="Blue") +
  windows(width=5.5, height=5)

Now I'd like to write below equation inside the graph. I know there are many questions about this, but I cannot find a solution, and still struggling. So I ask again. Sorry for duplicated question.

Could you please let me know how to write both superscript and subscript text?

Always many thanks!!

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • library(ggplot2)
    nitrogen<- c(10,15,20,25)
    yield<- c(50,70,85,30)
    dataA<- data.frame(nitrogen,yield)
    coef = coef(lm(yield ~ poly(nitrogen,2, raw=TRUE)))
    ggplot(data=dataA, aes(x=nitrogen, y=yield))+
      geom_point (col="Black", size=4) +
      stat_smooth(method='lm', linetype=1, se=FALSE, formula=y~poly(x,2, raw=TRUE), size=0.5, color="Blue") +
      windows(width=5.5, height=5) + 
      annotate("text", x=15, y=16, label = bquote(~ Y[i][j]==.(coef[1])+.(coef[2])*x+.(coef[3])*x^2))

    enter image description here

    Edit This version gives more control on formula display:

    ggplot(data=dataA, aes(x=nitrogen, y=yield))+
      geom_point (col="Black", size=4) +
      stat_smooth(method='lm', linetype=1, se=FALSE, formula=y~poly(x,2, raw=TRUE), size=0.5, color="Blue") +
      windows(width=5.5, height=5) + 
      annotate("text", x=15, y=16, label = bquote(
        ~ paste(Y[i][j],"=", .(sprintf("%.2f", coef[[1]])), .(sprintf("%+.2f",coef[[2]])),x, .(sprintf("%+.4f",coef[[3]])),x^2)))