
How to capitalize the first word in each sentence using JavaScript?

This site and the internet are filled with answers to 'how to capitalize every word' but that isn't what I want to do. I couldn't find any answers anywhere to this question. Though it does seem like something that should have been answered well.

Using the previous three sentences as an example, say I had written them as:

this site and the internet are filled with answers to 'how to capitalize every word' but that isn't what I want to do. and I couldn't find any answers anywhere to this question. though it does seem like something that should have been answered well.

I'd like a JS function that will capitalize the three bolded words. Taking into account sentences can end after: '.' '?' or '!'.

I'm using Vue for this project so something that uses Vue would be great but Vanilla JS would be fine as well.


  • Since there can be several delimiters that need to be preserved, split isn't an option. The alternative easy way is to process each sentence with global replace, where a sentence ends up with punctuation marks followed by a whitespace, and punctuation mark is optional at the end of the string:

      sentence => sentence ? sentence[0].toUpperCase() + sentence.slice(1) : ''