
How to compile and migrate to DPC++

I have cloned a github repository which has some C++ and OpenCL project to my devcloud account. Is there a way to migrate these opencl files to DPC++? I want to work with jupyter notebook will it be possible?


  • Yes, you can migrate OpenCL applications to DPC++ because DPC++ includes SYCL, which is a higher-level abstraction layer that builds on OpenCL, when comparing DPC++ and OpenCL, most fundamental concepts are the same with an easy mapping of equivalent constructs between OpenCL and DPC++.

    Here is the article which gives more details regarding the same https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/migrating-opencl-designs-to-dpcpp.html

    You can use the Intel compilers to run applications, and the Jupyter notebook can also be used to migrate from OpenCL to DPC++.