
Execution time of neo4j cypher query

I'm trying to find the execution time of GDS algorithms using the community edition of Neo4j. Is there any way to find it rather than query logging? Since this facility is specific to the enterprise edition.


I did as suggested. Why the result is 0 for the computeMillis and preProcessingMillis?

enter image description here

Update 2:

The following table indicates the time in ms required for running the Yen algorithm to retrieve one path for each topology. However, the time does not dependent on the graph size. Why? is it normal to have such results?

enter image description here


  • When you are executing the mutate or the write mode of the algorithm, you can YIELD the computeMillis property, which can tell you the execution time of the algorithm. Note that some algorithms like PageRank have more properties available to be YIELD-ed