I have my client's open street map tile server, which identificates client by checking cookie header sent with request. Here is a format:
Cookie: my_clients_company_cookie=0hPRvPfAK65TLASejXTtb6xjsRcH0D7t
Here is TileSource config I use:
val tileSource: ITileSource
get() = object : OnlineTileSourceBase(
"My Client's Company", // name
3, // min zoom
18, // max zoom
512, // tile size
) {
override fun getTileURLString(pMapTileIndex: Long): String =
Without sending header, I get 401 Unauthorized error response. I haven't find a way to set headers. Is it possible without forking library?
If it is not possible to supply the cookie value as a normal GET parameter by appending to the URL (did you try this?), I believe you have to implement your own Tile Source.
You can have a look at the BingMapTileSource which sets a UserAgent header, similarly you could set a cookie.