
can I add values into a column conditionally in mysql via a query (heidisql)?

I'm having trouble inserting values conditionally into a column via a query. I am trying to add the following: low, med, high into a new column called income_level which is based on the value in column income. What i wish to query:


VALUE ('low_income' if income < 10000, 'medium_income' if income BETWEEN 10000 AND 100000, 'high_income' if income >100000)

Current state of the table

ID income
1 7000
2 15000

Wished state of the table

ID Income Income_level
1 7000 low_income
2 15000 medium_income
3 110000 high_income

I have been searching around stackoverflow and searching for an answer but haven't found a applicable solution that I could've used.


  • I suggest making income_level a generated column, so you don't have to insert a value. Also you don't have to worry if you update the income that the income_level becomes out of sync.

    ALTER TABLE chile ADD COLUMN income_level VARCHAR(20)
      GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN income < 10000 THEN 'low_income'
                                WHEN income > 100000 THEN 'high_income'
                                ELSE 'medium_income' END);