
Flutter Dropdown list expanding instead of scrolling

So im making my first Dropdown but when i have a lot of Strings it expands upwards, is there a way to compact the list and make it scrollable or am i using the wrong Widget?

Closed DropdownOpened Dropdown

class _DropdownBehaivorButton extends StatefulWidget {
  const _DropdownBehaivorButton({super.key});

  State<_DropdownBehaivorButton> createState() => _DropdownBehaivorButtonState();

class _DropdownBehaivorButtonState extends State<_DropdownBehaivorButton> {
 String dropdownvalue = 'Agresivo';  
  var tipos = [   

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
              child: DropdownButton(
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(25),
                isExpanded: true,
                iconEnabledColor: Color(0xff525252),
                dropdownColor: Colors.white,
                style: _textStyle(),
                value: dropdownvalue,
                icon: const Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_down),   
                items: tipos.map((String items) {
                  return DropdownMenuItem(
                    value: items,
                    child: Center(child: Text(items)),
                onChanged: (String? newValue) {
                  setState(() {
                    dropdownvalue = newValue!;
  TextStyle _textStyle() => TextStyle(
   fontSize: 18,color: Color.fromARGB(123, 82, 82, 82),fontWeight: FontWeight.w400) ;}

I was expecting a compact dropdown list like thisSimilar results


  • DropdownButton(
          menuMaxHeight: 100, // this line
          hint: const Text(
              "Please select Child / Patient"),
          underline: const SizedBox(),
          isExpanded: true,
          iconEnabledColor: Colors.blue[800],
          dropdownColor: Colors.grey[100],
          style: TextStyle(
              letterSpacing: 2,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
              fontSize: 12,
              color: Colors.grey[800]),
          value: patientName,
          items: patients.map((patient) {
            return DropdownMenuItem(
              value: patient,
              child: Text(patient.childName),
          onChanged: (value) {
            setState(() {
              patientName = value;

    // try changing the menu max height