I have a resolver which uses the url to fetch the parent called a bubble, for the reply that I then want to fetch based on the URL.
Problem is that my findReplyByUrl() function wont wait for the DOCID that I am trying to resolve. The resolver delivers a null observable to the component.
Does anyone know where I am going wrong here?
providedIn: "root"
export class ReplyResolver implements Resolve<Promise<Observable<Reply>>> {
constructor(private replyModeStore: ReplyModeStore,
private bubbleStore: BubbleStore,
protected bubbleResolver: BubbleResolver) {
async resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot): Promise<Observable<Reply>> {
const replyUrl = route.paramMap.get("replyUrl");
const bubbleUrl = replyUrl.split("-reply-")[0];
console.log(bubbleUrl) //It works here
let bubbleDocId = await this.returnBubble(bubbleUrl);
console.log(bubbleDocId) // this is undefined
const reply = await this.replyModeStore.findReplyByUrl(await bubbleDocId, replyUrl)
return await reply;
async returnBubble(bubbleUrl:string):Promise<string> {
let bubbleUId:string;
const bubble$ = this.bubbleStore.findBubbleByUrl(bubbleUrl);
await bubble$.subscribe(res => {
bubbleUId = res.docid
return await bubbleUId;
async findReplyByUrl(bubbleDocId:string, replyUrl:string):Promise<Observable<Reply>>{
return from(this.db.collection(`vwubbles/${bubbleDocId}/replies`,
ref => ref.where("url", "==", replyUrl))
map(results => {
const replies = convertSnaps<Reply>(results);
return replies.length == 1 ? replies[0] : null;
// this.individualReplySubject.next(replyToSet);
const routes: Routes = [
path: "",
component: VwubblesComponent
path: 'bubble/:bubbleUrl',
component: BubbleComponent,
resolve: {
bubble: BubbleResolver
path: "reply/:replyUrl",
component: ReplyComponent,
resolve: {
reply: ReplyResolver
imports: [
exports: [RouterModule],
providers: [
export class BubblesRoutingModule {}
Your problem is with returnBubble
which doesn't return a Promise resolving your request.
returnBubble(bubbleUrl: string): Promise<string> {
return firstValueFrom(
this.bubbleStore.findBubbleByUrl(bubbleUrl).pipe(map((res) => res.docid))