
How to create a Matlab pumpkin in R?

I am trying to replicate the following visual with the following Matlab code:

% Pumpkin
x=R.*X; y=R.*Y; z=Z.*R;
surf(x,y,(.8+(0-(1:-.01:-1)'.^4)*.3).*z,c, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none')
% Stem
s = [ 1.5 1 repelem(.7, 6) ] .* [ repmat([.1 .06],1,10) .1 ]';
[t, p] = meshgrid(0:pi/15:pi/2,0:pi/20:pi);
Xs = -(.4-cos(p).*s).*cos(t)+.4;
Zs = (.5-cos(p).*s).*sin(t) + .55;
Ys = -sin(p).*s;
surface(Xs,Ys,Zs,[],'FaceColor', '#008000','EdgeColor','none');
% Style
colormap([1 .4 .1; 1 1 .7])
axis equal
box on
material([.6 1 .3])
lighting g

enter image description here

I am working on the bottom but have not gotten very far (see here for reference). The code that I have is:

sphere <- function(n) {
   dd <- expand.grid(theta = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = n+1),
                     phi = seq(-pi, pi, length.out = n+1))
        list(x = matrix(cos(phi) * cos(theta), n+1),
             y = matrix(cos(phi) * sin(theta), n+1),
             z = matrix(sin(phi), n+1))

# Pumpkin
R<- 1-(1-seq(from=0, to=20,by=0.1))^2/12

x<-R * X
y<-R * Y 
z<-Z * R 

persp3d(x,y,(0.8+(0-seq(from=1, to=-1, by=-0.01)^4)*0.3)*z,col=c)

and it gives me the following.

enter image description here

What is it that's going wrong in my present code? What would be a suggested fix?


  • As @billBokeey mentioned, there's a missing mod modulo operator function for periodic scaling factors.

    In addition, the scaling on the z-axis 0.8 + (0-seq(from=1, to=-1, by=-0.01)^4) * 0.3 doesn't go well with the output from your sphere function. We maybe use Z[1,] to replace seq(from=1, to=-1, by=-0.01). phi = seq(-pi, pi, length.out = n+1)) shoud be seq(-pi/2, pi/2, length.out = n+1)) instead.

    Finally, the color c needs to be convert to RGB code for persp3d.

    Here's the result look like from the code below.

    enter image description here

    sphere <- function(n) {
      dd <- expand.grid(theta = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = n+1),
                        phi = seq(-pi/2, pi/2, length.out = n+1))
           list(x = matrix(cos(phi) * cos(theta), n+1),
                y = matrix(cos(phi) * sin(theta), n+1),
                z = matrix(sin(phi), n+1))
    # Unit ball
    sph <- sphere(200)
    X <- sph[[1]]
    Y <- sph[[2]]
    Z <- sph[[3]]
    # scaling
    R <- 1 - (1 - seq(from=0, to=20, by=0.1) %% 2) ^ 2 / 12 # Modulo Operator %%
    R2 <- 0.8 + (0 - seq(from=1, to=-1, by=-0.01)^4)*0.2 # didn't match with the order of z from sphere function
    #R2 <- 0.8 - Z[1,]^4 * 0.2
    x <- R * X # scale rows for wavy side
    y <- R * Y # scale rows for wavy side
    z <- t(R2 * t(Z)) # scale columns by transpose for flat oval shape
    # color according to distance to [0,0,0]
    hypot_3d <- function(x, y, z) {
      return(sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2))
    c_ <- hypot_3d(x,y,z) + rnorm(201) * 0.03
    color_palette <- terrain.colors(20) # color look-up table
    col <- color_palette[ as.numeric(cut(c_, breaks = 20)) ] # assign color to 20 levels of c_
    persp3d(x, y, z, color = col, aspect=FALSE)