
oplrun: error while loading shared libraries: liboplnl1.so.12

I'm trying to run Cplex from terminal command line in Ubuntu. When I execut /oplrun/path$ ./oplrun I get the following error.

./oplrun: error while loading shared libraries: liboplnl1.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How can I fix it?



  • I executed the command: /oplrun/path$ ldd oplrun

    and I found out there were two dependencies including liboplnl1.so.12 that were "not found" although they existed in the same path as oplrun. So, I copied the tow files to the path in which other dependencies existed. Now, if I run the /oplrun/path$ ldd oplrun command the so file is found at the address where I copied them:

    liboplnl1.so.12 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liboplnl1.so.12 (0x00007fa0db5bc000)

    Now, oplrun can be executed from the command line.