I would like to print out total amount for each date so that my new dataframe will have date and and total amount columns. My data frame looks like this
permitnum | amount |
6/1/2022 | na |
ascas | 30.00 |
olic | 40.41 |
6/2/2022 | na |
avrey | 17.32 |
fev | 32.18 |
grey | 12.20 |
any advice on how to go about this will be appreciated
Here is another tidyverse
option, where I convert to date (and then reformat), then we can fill in the date, so that we can use that to group. Then, get the sum for each date.
df %>%
mutate(permitnum = format(as.Date(permitnum, "%m/%d/%Y"), "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
fill(permitnum, .direction = "down") %>%
group_by(permitnum) %>%
summarise(total_amount = sum(as.numeric(amount), na.rm = TRUE))
permitnum total_amount
<chr> <dbl>
1 06/01/2022 70.4
2 06/02/2022 61.7
df <- structure(list(permitnum = c("6/1/2022", "ascas", "olic", "6/2/2022",
"avrey", "fev", "grey"), amount = c("na", "30.00", "40.41", "na",
"17.32", "32.18", "12.20")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,