
Would it have a solution to read the ".sol" type file of the HaxelFlixel software in javascript?

I try to extract data from a ".sol" file, this file comes out of the data stored in the game Friday night funkin. I try to get the score of each week from this file to display it from a web page For information I use the packet "electron" to help me to do this.

I would be happy to learn how to read this type of data to continue!

Thanks to those who took the time to read !

By opening the ".sol" file, I understood at first that it was not easy to read, and that it was probably made only for HaxelFlixel (Software that uses the game), time after time I understood that the ":" separate the total data, and that the stored data was between an "i". So I tried to do this in javascript but not all data do this. It gave me a very untidy code (I am bad):

//namesearch: name of the folder where the file we need is located
  async function writescoreweek(namesearch) {
    try {
      var current = [];
      const search = ["week9", "week8", "week7", "week6", "week5", "week4", "week3", "week2", "week1", "week0"];
      for (var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
        var searchfct = searchscoreweek(`${namesearch}`, search[i]);
        if (searchfct != "") {
          let student = {
            name: search[i],
            score: searchfct
    } catch (err) {
    } finally {
      await fs.writeFileSync(`./data/${namesearch}.json`, JSON.stringify(current, null, 4));
      var weekjson = await require(`./data/${namesearch}.json`);
      return weekjson

  function searchscoreweek(game, search) {
    try {
      const helloPath = path.resolve(__dirname, `${process.env.APPDATA}/ShadowMario/${game}/ninjamuffin99/`, 'funkin.sol');
      const helloSource = fs.readFileSync(helloPath, 'utf8');
      var debut = helloSource.substring(
        helloSource.indexOf("i") + 1,
      debut = debut.split(":")
      var after = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < debut.length; i++) {
        if (debut[i].search(`${search}`) != -1) {
    } catch (err) {

    } finally {
      var fin = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < after.length; i++) {
          after[i].indexOf("i") + 1,
      var apresfin = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < fin.length; i++) {
        if (fin[i].search(`${search}`) == -1) {

      return apresfin;

So I concluded that it must be a file type propietaire!

I'm thinking of using "hxnodejs" but I don't see how I can do it at all.


I would like to be able to read this type of file as you would read a ".json" file


  • In haxe you could use Unserializer haxe function (specification of format) to get data. On online Haxe sandbox ( you could check tab "JS Source" to see code compiled in js.