I have two databases, each contains a table, which is stored in a single S3 file like: part-00000-77654909-37c7-4c9e-8840-b2838792f98d-c000.snappy.orc
of size ~83MB.
I'm trying to execute a primitive left join query:
select b.id
from "db-b".tbl b
left join "db-a".tbl a on (
b.id = a.id
or (
b.externalid__c is not null
and b.externalid__c = a.externalid__c
or (
b.externalid__c is null
and b.internalid__c = a.internalid__c
where a.id is null
And it timeouts after 30 minutes.
30 minutes is not enough to join two 83MB files? Why?
This can be solved by using multiple joins instead of single joining condition:
select b.id
from "db-b".tbl b
left join "db-a".tbl a1 on b.id = a.id
left join "db-a".tbl a2 on b.externalid__c is not null
and b.externalid__c = a.externalid__c
left join "db-a".tbl a3 on b.externalid__c is null
and b.internalid__c = a.internalid__c
where coalesce(a1.id, a2.id, a3.id) is null
And it runs for a few seconds, just as you would expect.
Not sure why, but here's a mentioning of some optimization difficulties of OR
clause: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/308080/presto-left-join-using-multiple-operators