
MariaDB utf8mb4_0900_as_cs collation error

I'm trying to switch to MariaDB from mysql 8. I downloaded latest MariaDb 10.10.1 RC version, trying to import backup created from mysql using mysqldump and I get the following error Unknown collation 'utf8mb4_0900_as_cs'

What is the equivalent collation in MariaDB. Since this question has been closed due to similar question already answered. Similar question is about utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci which is different than what asked here and there is no answer about the collation that I asked. So I would please don't close it again


  • MariaDB-10.10.0 has UCA 14.0.0 collations, newer than MySQL's UCA 9.0.0 collations (finally), which are a result of MDEV-27009.

    So the equivalent collation is uca1400_as_cs.

    Note: 10.10.2 GA is coming very soon.