
Issue constructing a has_many relation with scope using multiple join tables

I have a tag system on multiple models that are linked together.

The system works like this:

This mechanic is not on a database level, in the end in what concerns the database, Tops, Middles and Lows all have their own tag collection, and i initially implemented instance methods on each model so that when you call, for example, low_instance.all_tags, it concatenates the tag collections of it's parent Middles, and the one of its Top.

Here is what the models look like:

#          ______________________________
#         /                              \
#      (1)                                (*)
#    [Top] (1) __ (*) [Middle] (*) __ (*) [Low]
#      (*)               (*)              (*)
#        \_______________ | ______________/
#                         |
#                         *
#                       [Tags]

class Low < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :low_tags, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :tags, through: :low_tags
  has_many :middle_foos, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :middles, through: :middle_foos

class Middle < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :top
  has_many :middle_tags, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :tags, through: :middle_tags

  has_many :middle_lows, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :lows, through: :middle_lows

class Top < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :middles, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :lows, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :top_tags, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :tags, through: :top_tags

### Join tables
class MiddleLow < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :middle
  belongs_to :low

class LowTag < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :low
  belongs_to :tag

class MiddleTag < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :middle
  belongs_to :tag

class TopTag < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :top
  belongs_to :tag

That actually works like a charm. The issue is that i want to be able to search my Lows with the awesome Ransack gem and using the full tag collection of a Low (its self tags, plus the ones inherited from the parent Middles and Top)

Problem: Ransack only works with ActiveRecord::Relations. So from Ransack's point of view, i can only search my Lows using their self-tags and not the full inherited collection as this does not exist on the database level.

The initial solution to this problem i wanted to implement is to add a "copy" full tag collection on the database level that updates with the rest and that i could use to search with Ransack.

But I'm sure i don't have to add anything to the database as all the info is already here in the join tables and i kind of don't want to duplicate that info which is not super cool i think and would make the code base less understandable.

I have seen potential solutions using has many with scopes like so:

has_many :all_tags, ->(low) {
  # Returs self tags (Low) + tags from associated Middles + tags from the Top

I'm pretty sure this would be the best solution, but I'm really not good when it comes to database querying especially with so much models and join tables. I get confused and can't seem to find what to put in that scope so that i get this full collection of tags.

So if anybody has a clue about that, any help would be greatly appreciated!

By the way, using Rails 6.1 and Ruby 2.7


  • So found the solution to the query I wanted to construct in the end.

    The scope looks like following:

        has_many :full_tags, lambda { |low|
            where_clause = 'top_tags.top_id = ? or low_tags.low_id = ?'
            where_args = [low.top_id,]
            if low.middles.any?
              where_clause += ' or middle_tags.zone_id IN ?'
              where_args << low.middle_ids
            unscope(where: :low_id)
              .left_joins(:middle_tags, :top_tags, :low_tags)
              .where(where_clause, *where_args).distinct
          }, class_name: 'Tag'

    Calling xxx.full_tags on any instance of low returns the whole collection of tags from every middle it belongs to , plus those from the top it belongs to, plus its own tags, and the distinct makes it a unique collection.

    That being said, that didn't fully fixed my problem because the whole purpose was to pass this scoped has_many relation as an attribute used by the Ransack gem to filter out my Low models, out of their full inherited collection of tags.

    Big disappointment it was when i discovered that Ransack performs eager loading when it comes to search on associations: Rails does not support Eager Loading on scoped associations

    So i ended up implementing a whole other solution for my tagging system. But hey, i learned a lot.