I am using OpendID-selector but have been unable to have it trigger a Facebook button on my page.
The README.txt says the following:
how to plug-in facebook provider
put the following code in providers_large or providers_small:
facebook = { name: 'Facebook', url: "javascript:facebook_click();" }where facebook_click is something like: function facebook_click() { $('#').click(); }
the same mechanism also applies if you want to plug-in any oauth or xauth provider
I just can't figure out where to put that function facebook_click()
If you're unfamiliar with OpenID-selector, it has 2 JS files:
I wonder if anyone could help me with this:
where exactly should I put this function so as to trigger the facebook login button (id = fb_login
) on my login page?
var providers_large = {
facebook : {
name: 'Facebook',
url: "javascript:facebook_click();"
google : {
name : 'Google',
url : 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id'
yahoo : {
name : 'Yahoo',
url : 'http://me.yahoo.com/'
<fb:login-button id="fb_login" v="2" size="medium" onlogin='window.location="https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=<?php echo $this->config->item('facebook_app_id'); ?>&scope=email,publish_stream&redirect_uri=<?php echo site_url('fb_signin'); ?>&r=" + window.location.href;'>
Login with Facebook
If I don't include the function and click on the button, console shows an error referring to this line in openid-jquery.js
facebook_click is not defined
Line 122
if (url.indexOf("javascript:") == 0) {
url = url.substr("javascript:".length);
eval(url); //line 122
return false;
If I do include the function anywhere (login page, openid-jquery, or openid-en) then nothing happens and there are no errors on console.
Try invoking the onlogin
handler defined in the Facebook Login button fb_login
directly, like so.
facebook = { name: 'Facebook', url: "javascript:eval($('#fb_login').attr('onlogin'));" }