
Run multiple FTP server instances on same local machine using multiprocessing and pyftpdlib python

I am trying to run multiple instances of FTP servers on same localhost using the following code:

# ""

from multiprocessing import Pool

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, r'C:\Users\Desktop\PythonCodes')

import create_ftp_server

ftp_server_dict = {'ftp1': ['', 'test', 'test@123', r'C:\Users\Desktop\ftpdir', 1024],
                   'ftp2': ['', 'test', 'test@123', r'C:\Users\Desktop\ftpdir', 1025]}

for k, v in ftp_server_dict.items():
    with Pool(5) as p:
        server_instance =, [v,])

Then following "" file is used to create and run an instance of FTP server:

import os

from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer

def ftp(data):
    # Instantiate a dummy authorizer for managing 'virtual' users
    authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()

    # Define a new user having full r/w permissions and a read-only
    # anonymous user
    authorizer.add_user(data[1], data[2], data[3], perm='elradfmwMT')

    # Instantiate FTP handler class
    handler = FTPHandler
    handler.authorizer = authorizer

    # Define a customized banner (string returned when client connects)
    handler.banner = "pyftpdlib based ftpd ready."

    # Specify a masquerade address and the range of ports to use for
    # passive connections.  Decomment in case you're behind a NAT.
    # handler.masquerade_address = ''
    handler.passive_ports = range(60000, 65535)

    # Instantiate FTP server class and listen on
    address = (data[0], data[4])
    server = FTPServer(address, handler)

    # set a limit for connections
    server.max_cons = 256
    server.max_cons_per_ip = 5

    # start ftp server

After running the above codes I expect that there should be 2 instances of FTP servers to run on the localhost or '" on port number 1024 & 1025 respectively.

But after running the above code only one instance of FTP server is running on the localhost. Can somebody please let me know how to resolve this issue.


  • The serve_forever() call is what is causing you issues. This call never returns and is running an infinite loop.

    The only way I see you could handle this is to run your FTP servers in background threads, one thread per server or using a concurrency library like GEvent (which would ultimately do the same thing as background threads, albeit a bit lighter).