
Atlas Search Index partial match

I have a test collection with these two documents:

{ _id: ObjectId("636ce11889a00c51cac27779"), sku: 'kw-lids-0009' }
{ _id: ObjectId("636ce14b89a00c51cac2777a"), sku: 'kw-fs66-gre' }

I've created a search index with this definition:

  "analyzer": "lucene.standard",
  "searchAnalyzer": "lucene.standard",
  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": false,
    "fields": {
      "sku": {
        "type": "string"

If I run this aggregation:

    $search: {
        index: 'test',
        text: {
            query: 'kw-fs',
            path: 'sku'

Why do I get 2 results? I only expected the one with sku: 'kw-fs66-gre' 😬


  • During indexing, the standard anlyzer breaks the string "kw-lids-0009" into 3 tokens [kw][lids][0009], and similarly tokenizes "kw-fs66-gre" as [kw][fs66][gre]. When you query for "kw-fs", the same analyzer tokenizes the query as [kw][fs], and so Lucene matches on both documents, as both have the [kw] token in the index.

    To get the behavior you're looking for, you should index the sku field as type autocomplete and use the autocomplete operator in your $search stage instead of text