I have some problem, in my friend's code there is a clean code using apache ant seems to delete lib folder as well. but when I try to create project, it fails because the lib folder is missing. then how to build the correctly using ant apache ?
this is clean code
<target name="clean" description="--> clean the project">
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<exclude name="src/**" />
<exclude name="build.xml" />
<exclude name="ivy.xml" />
and this build code
<target name="build" description="Compile main source tree java files">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<javac srcdir="${java.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}" classpathref="lib.path.id" debug="true" deprecation="true" optimize="true" failonerror="true" />
<!-- class path properties files -->
<copy file="${resource.dir}/log4j.properties" todir="${build.dir}" />
<copy file="${resource.dir}/mncplaymedia.properties" todir="${build.dir}" />
<copy todir="${build.dir}">
<fileset dir="${resource.dir}" />
thank you
I think you have to build this project, then put the war or jar file in webapps on your web server (like jetty, tomcat and etc.)