I am trying to make objective function by MOSEK c++. But there is a problem.
When I try to make function like below, there is no dividing function in MOSEK.
is variable and b
are parameter.
I made a
(numerator) and b+ac
(denominator) respectivley, but I don't know how to divide them.
So I made code like below.
Variable::t a_numerator = M->variable();
Parameter::t b_denominator_1 = M->parameter();
Parameter::t c_denominator_2 = M->parameter();
Expression::t b_add_ac = Expr::add(b_denominator_1, Expr::mul(a_numerator, c_denominator_2);
Is there any way to express faction in MOSEK?
You are using Fusion which means you have to state the problem in conic form. You can read about that in
But I suggest you first consider whether the function
is convex. (I kind of doubt that.) If it is not convex, there is no hope to express it in conic form.
The plot
shows that the function might be nasty.
Btw this
might be useful.