+++ I EDITED MY QUESTION, TO REFLECT WHAT I THINK IS THE CORRECT STRUCTURE NOW, so that not necessary things don't get loaded in the child workers.. with the help of @booboo +++ THX
Where do all my classes and functions go(that have nothing to do with multiprocessing), so they are not loaded into every single process,....inside main or inside other files?
Should all my multiprocessing functions go into a separate file, to avoid loading unnecessary classes and functions into the processes? I think this is what seems most logical.
None of the written tutorials/videos talk about it.
import myMulti
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
from time import sleep, time
import concurrent.futures
import myClasses
folder = 'G:\+++CODING+++\Thin-Plate-Spline-Motion-Model-Windows-main\\assets\\test28\\'
# some classes
# some classesresultlist=[]
start_time = time()
def create_filepaths(folder):
return sorted([os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.scandir(folder)])
def update_chunks_to_gui(future_object, local_last_chunk_index,processing_abort=False):
if processing_abort: # If user changes directory, thumbnail creating will be canceled.
for image in future_object:
for index, image in enumerate(future_object[local_last_chunk_index:]):
if image.done():
resultlist.append((image.result())) # resultlist is just for Demo....update GUI with image
local_last_chunk_index += 1
return local_last_chunk_index
def start_job(filepaths):
print('...starting jobs')
pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=12)
return [pool.submit(myMulti.process_file, file) for file in filepaths]
def main():
filepaths = create_filepaths(folder)
last_chunk_index = 0
future = start_job(filepaths)
while True: # GUI and general logic Main Loop
# do stuff
# do stuff
if not last_chunk_index == len(future):
last_chunk_index = update_chunks_to_gui(future, last_chunk_index) # processing_abort=True if jobs needs to be canceled, for example when user changes folder
print("...all done in:", time()-start_time)
if __name__ == '__main__':
What I now have tried is.... this in a seperate file that I import into my main program:
What is the right approach, that I don't load unnecessary methods/modules/classes/functions in the processes?
import PIL.Image
import io
import base64
def convert_to_bytes(file_or_bytes, resize=None, fill_blanc_color=None):
if isinstance(file_or_bytes, str):
img = PIL.Image.open(file_or_bytes)
if file_or_bytes.endswith(".jpg"):
img.draft('RGB', resize if resize else None )
img = PIL.Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(file_or_bytes)))
except Exception as e:
dataBytesIO = io.BytesIO(file_or_bytes)
img = PIL.Image.open(dataBytesIO)
if resize:
img = img.resize((int(img.size[0]*min(resize[0]/img.size[1], resize[0]/img.size[0])),
int(img.size[1]*min(resize[1]/img.size[1], resize[0]/img.size[0]))),
if fill_blanc_color:
r, g, b = fill_blanc_color
newimg = PIL.Image.new("RGB", resize if resize else img.size, (r, g, b))
newimg.paste(img, (int((100-img.width)/2), int((100-img.height)/2)), img)
with io.BytesIO() as data:
img.save(data, format="PNG")
#del newimg
del img
return data.getvalue()
def process_file(filepath):
return convert_to_bytes(filepath, resize=(100, 100), fill_blanc_color=(90, 105, 121))
BTW here is a picture on what I am working on, this is my first python program.
But pretty fun to learn all the concepts needed as I go along.
You haven't stated your platform as the guidelines for Python multiprocessing request. I will assume you are running under a platforms such as Windows that uses the spawn method to create new processes.
In that case every new process is initialized by starting off with essentially uninitialized memory into which a new Python interpreter is started, which re-reads the source program initializing memory be processing everything at global scope (import statements, function definitions, global variable declarations and any executable code at global scope) unless what is at global scope is contained within a if __name__ == '__main__':
block (the if
statement will be executed but the test will fail).
So, to save some execution time, put whatever you do not require by the child processes within such a block. For instance:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import myClasses
import time
def process_file(filepath): #Multiprocessing
return Processed file
def main():
# myClasses in main()???
# def some functions
# def some functions
def create_filepaths(folder):
return sorted([os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.scandir(folder)])
def update_chunks_to_GUI(future_object):
# update chunks to GUI
filepaths = create_filepaths(folder)
last_chunk_index = 0
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as pool:
future = [pool.submit(process_file, file) for file in filepaths]
while True: # GUI and general logic Main Loop
# do stuff
# do stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
If, for example, process_file
required function from the time
module, you would not include import time
in such a block:
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import myClasses
def process_file(filepath): #Multiprocessing
return Processed file
def main():
# myClasses in main()???
# def some functions
# def some functions
def create_filepaths(folder):
return sorted([os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.scandir(folder)])
def update_chunks_to_GUI(future_object):
# update chunks to GUI
filepaths = create_filepaths(folder)
last_chunk_index = 0
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as pool:
future = [pool.submit(process_file, file) for file in filepaths]
while True: # GUI and general logic Main Loop
# do stuff
# do stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':