I'm seeing the following log line on a Jenkins job (using Pipeline syntax)
WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.FindBugs': unstableTotalAll
after which there's a notable delay of usually 3-4 minutes in the Jenkins console. e.g.
17:07:27 WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.FindBugs': unstableTotalAll
17:10:47 [FindBugs] Searching for all files in 'directory path' that match the pattern '**/spotbugsXml.xml'
Google is not showing an exact match for this issue. Any ideas on what's happening and what causes the delay?
The original FindBugs plugin took this argument, but it has been depreciated. The replacement is Warnings NG which also supports unstableTotalAll
. But it was being used incorrectly. e.g.
recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, tools: [findBugs([pattern: '**/spotbugsXml.xml', unstableTotalAll: null])]
should have been
recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, unstableTotalAll: 1, tools: [findBugs([pattern: '**/spotbugsXml.xml'])]
after which there's a notable delay of usually 3-4 minutes in the Jenkins console
Jenkins seems very inefficient when uploading these files. A way to avoid this hit is to check the files for a static analysis issue before uploading it. e.g.
def files = findFiles(glob: '**/spotbugsXml.xml')
files.each { file ->
println file.name
println file.path
def contents = readFile(file.path)
if (contents.indexOf('<BugInstance')) {
println 'Contains bugs so calling recordIssues'
else {
println 'Does NOT contain bugs so NOT calling recordIssues'