
How to add custom header in 204 response (NO_CONTENT)?

I have the following endpoint:

@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(responseCode = "204", content = {@Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = UserDTO.class))}, description = "Successful")
public ResponseEntity<String> deleteUser(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
    return ResponseEntity.noContent().header("Successfully deleted", "0").build();

And I need to customise 204 response - return not just status and empty body but 204 code + body which will be contained "Successfully deleted" message. I've tried to add header manually (in code above), but it didn't work properly. Could you give me a piece of advice - how can I add it by different way?


  • As Marc correctly pointed out in his comment, returning 204 and a body at the same time makes no sense, as that is not what 204 signifies. I suggest you simply return the following:

    return new ResponseEntity<>("Successfully deleted", HttpStatus.OK);

    You don't really need any custom headers for what you described, but if you still feel the need for one, you can do it like so

    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("custom-header", "value");
    return new ResponseEntity<>("Successfully deleted", headers, HttpStatus.OK);