In the following working code:
[:> rvis/CustomSVGSeries {:data [{:x x :y y
:customComponent (fn []
(r/as-element [:g {:className "etiqueta"}
[:tspan {:x 0 :y 0} "Hidrógeno "]
[:tspan {:x 0 :y "1em"} "Alfa"]]]))}]}]
I'm trying to add a line
[:> rvis/CustomSVGSeries {:data [{:x x :y y
:customComponent (fn []
(r/as-element [:g {:className "etiqueta"}
[:line {:x1 0 :y1 0 :x2 600 :y2 600 :strokeWidth 5 :fill "red"}]
[:tspan {:x 0 :y 0} "Hidrógeno "]
[:tspan {:x 0 :y "1em"} "Alfa"]]]))}]}]
But doesn't work.
For me it's even stranger that some other SVG elements work; for instance [:circle {:cx 0 :cy 0 :r 20 :fill "orange"}]
and [:ellipse {:cx 0 :cy 10 :rx 61 :ry 30 :fill "yellow"}]
work perfectly...
I also tried with [:polyline {:points [0 0 600 600]}]
but did not have luck either...
Thanks to @cfrick comment, I changed :fill
with :stroke
and it worked fine, both for :line
and :polyline