I am trying to load the following file: 'data/chapter_1/capd_yard_signs\\Dueñas_2020.png'
But when I do so, cv2.imread returns an error: imread_('data/chapter_1/capd_yard_signs\Due├▒as_2020.png'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity load file
When I specified the file name with os.path.join, I tried encoding and decoding the file
f = os.path.join("data/chapter_1/capd_yard_signs", filename.encode().decode())
But that didn't solve the problem.
What am I missing?
This is how I ended up getting it to work:
from PIL import Image
pil = Image.open(f).convert('RGB') # load the image with pillow and make sure it is in RGB
pilCv = np.array(pil) # convert the image to an array
img = pilCv[:,:,::-1].copy() # convert the array to be in BGR