I've built a procedure I need to run it for the last 60 days. I can't seem to figure it out.
I've got the following date parameters statements for the parameters and they return
select dateadd(Day, -60, getdate()), dateadd(Day, -1, getdate())
The code itself adjusts the end date to be at the very end of the day. 23:59:59.
When I do this
@start_Dt = dateadd(Day, -60, getdate()),
@end_dt = dateadd(Day, -1, getdate()),
@mode = 0
I get the following error
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you.
SQL Server does not permit arbitrary expressions to be passed as stored procedure parameters. You need to declare and assign local variables before calling the proc.
declare @start datetime = dateadd(Day, -60, getdate());
declare @end datetime = dateadd(Day, -1, getdate());
exec LRP_PROC @start_Dt=@start, @end_dt=@end, @mode = 0;