
string_agg () is not working for Postgres sql when joining on multiple tables

I have to join user_name from user table where as first_name and last_names from user_profile table. Until here everything is fine, but when I try to fetch respective roles assigned from user_role tables it gives multiple rows for single user as 1 user can have multiple roles.

While trying to apply string_agg on role.names (so that multiple roles shown comma separated in single tuple), it gives each role in separate row.

Here is example query I am trying to run in postgresql:

 SELECT users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name,
    SELECT string_agg (roles.name, ',') 
    from roles 
    where roles.id in (
        select user_roles.role_id where users.id = user_roles.user_id
) as name
FROM users 
JOIN user_profiles ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id
JOIN user_roles    ON user_roles.user_id = users.id


  • You must use GROUP BY clause in order to aggregate more than one record together within a group. That along with the unnecessary (I believe) nested SQL is leading you to wrong results.

    Instead consider the following:

        SELECT users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name,
            string_agg (roles.name, ',') as name
        FROM users 
          JOIN user_profiles 
            ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id
          JOIN user_roles
            ON user_roles.user_id = users.id
          JOIN roles ON user_roles.role_id = roles.id
        GROUP BY users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name

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