Hi I'm receiving an error when running a local scan on a web page I've got using Shopify. Im just practicing at the moment but I don't know how to correctly use tabindex="-1"
{%- if section.blocks.size > 0 -%}
<div id="SlideshowWrapper-{{ section.id }}" class="slideshow-wrapper" role="region" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
<div tabindex="-1">Tabbable due to tabindex.</div>
<div class="slideshow slideshow--{{ section.settings.slideshow_height }} {% if display_controls %} slideshow--display-controls{% endif %}"
id="Slideshow-{{ section.id }}" aria-hidden="true"
data-autorotate="{{ section.settings.autorotate }}"
data-speed="{{ section.settings.autorotate_speed | times: 1000 }}"
data-adapt-height="{%- if section.settings.slideshow_height == 'adapt' -%}true{%- else -%}false{%- endif -%}"
data-slide-nav-a11y="{{ 'sections.slideshow.load_slide' | t: slide_number: '[slide_number]' }}"
{%- if section.settings.slideshow_height == 'adapt' -%}data-min-aspect-ratio="{{ min_aspect_ratio }}"
style="height: {{ wrapper_height }}vw"{%- endif -%} aria-labelledby=”Slideshow″ >
The error Im getting is:
Focusable content should have tabindex='-1' or be removed from the DOM
If you look at line 2 this is where my code im working on is. I dont know if this is the correct place for it but I seem to have narrowed the element down to here. Could someone explain how I can correctly use tabindex in this situation?
To give you a complete answer I think more context is needed (I don't add this as a comment as I can't, not 50 reputation yet). It is not clear what functionality you want for this component. It seems like a slideshow/carrousel component but the ARIA attributes that you are using are not accurate.
You are using aria-hidden="true"
both in the .slideshow-wrapper and .slideshow div's and at the same time you are using other ARIA attributes such as role="region"
and aria-labelledby
. The thing is that aria-hidden is completely hiding these elements to screen readers, so non-visual users are not going to be able to see this element. Is that what you want? Completely hidding information for non-visual users, if that information is not just "decorative" won't meet accessibility standards as WCAG 2.1
removes an element from the normal focus order in the DOM but makes it possible to give it focus using JavaScript's .focus() method. The thing here is that a div element is not focusable by default so tabindex="-1"
is not necessary in this context. It should only be used if you have a good reason to do so.
So, tabindex="-1"
and aria-hidden
do not make sense in this context (without seeing further scripting or behaviour). Here's the ARIA example for a carousel or slide show, it may be useful.