I was performing AutoML feature on the Databricks. But I want to validate the model on the separate dataset.
Since I'm not super aware of the MLFlow, I tried to insert new dataset inside split_test_df
with reading it first. But it didn't worked out.
The code inside notebook looks the following:
import mlflow
import databricks.automl_runtime
target_col = "my_target_column"
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
import os
import uuid
import shutil
import pandas as pd
# Create temp directory to download input data from MLflow
input_temp_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS"], "tmp", str(uuid.uuid4())[:8])
# Download the artifact and read it into a pandas DataFrame
input_client = MlflowClient()
input_data_path = input_client.download_artifacts("some_numbers_and_letters", "data", input_temp_dir)
df_loaded = pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(input_data_path, "training_data"))
# Delete the temp data
# Preview data
df = spark.read.format('delta').load(
from databricks.automl_runtime.sklearn.column_selector import ColumnSelector
supported_cols = ["there_are_my_columns"]
col_selector = ColumnSelector(supported_cols)
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer, StandardScaler
num_imputers = []
num_imputers.append(("impute_mean", SimpleImputer(), ["there_are_my_columns"]))
numerical_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
("converter", FunctionTransformer(lambda df: df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce"))),
("imputers", ColumnTransformer(num_imputers)),
("standardizer", StandardScaler()),
numerical_transformers = [("there_are_my_columns"])]
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
transformers = numerical_transformers
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers, remainder="passthrough", sparse_threshold=0)
# AutoML completed train - validation - test split internally and used _automl_split_col_3da1 to specify the set
split_train_df = df_loaded.loc[df_loaded._automl_split_col_3da1 == "train"]
split_val_df = df_loaded.loc[df_loaded._automl_split_col_3da1 == "val"]
split_test_df = df.loc[df._automl_split_col_3da1 == 'test'] # here it throws an error that ttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'loc'
# Separate target column from features and drop _automl_split_col_3da1
X_train = split_train_df.drop([target_col, "_automl_split_col_3da1"], axis=1)
y_train = split_train_df[target_col]
X_val = split_val_df.drop([target_col, "_automl_split_col_3da1"], axis=1)
y_val = split_val_df[target_col]
X_test = split_test_df.drop(target_col)
y_test = split_test_df[target_col]
And even if it was read and processed to the model in MLFlow context I still don't see any changes in the confusion matrix since I'm also not sure if it based on the test data and how accurate the result was.
It is possible to do that via the notebook and re-assigning of the validation dataset to the dataset on which you want to perform validation.