I am using email-templates and pug to send some mails. I have a verification code I would like to send out nicely framed, with each character in a box, for instance to do something of this kind:
table(style='border-spacing: 6px')
th(style='padding: 4px; border: 0.1em solid #CCC; border-radius: 5px;') A
th(style='padding: 4px; border: 0.1em solid #CCC; border-radius: 5px;') B
th(style='padding: 4px; border: 0.1em solid #CCC; border-radius: 5px;') C
I'd like to do this using a loop if possible, knowing that the code to display is passed as {locals: {code: 'ABC'}}
to email-templates (and that it has more characters).
Is this possible? The resulting html should be quite simple, to display nicely in all mail clients.
You can use an each
loop to iterate through each character in the string, since strings are arrays:
table(style='border-spacing: 6px')
each character in code
th(style='...') #{character}
However, it should be noted that this isn't semantic HTML and will be confusing for people using assistive technology. Each character in the code isn't a table column heading, and shouldn't be marked up as such.
Instead, consider using semantic elements and then styling those to look the way you want. A more semantic way to mark this up would be to put the code in a paragraph, with each character in a span. Spans allow you to style each character, but they don't impart any semantic meaning, so it will be interpreted as just a paragraph, which is good.
h2 Verification Code
each character in code
span #{character}