I want a user query which delegates it's fields to the field resolvers below. What do I return from the query to allow this behaviour?
class User {
@Field((_type) => ID)
id!: string;
@Field((_type) => [View])
saved!: View[];
@Resolver(of => User)
export class UserResolver {
@Query((_returns) => User, { nullable: false })
async user(@Ctx() { prisma, uid }: context.AuthorizedContext) {
return {
id: uid,
async saved(
@Root() { id }: User,
@Ctx() { prisma }: context.AuthorizedContext
) {
const savedViews = await prisma.saved.findMany({
where: { userId: id },
include: { View: true },
return savedViews.map((dboView) => dboView.View);
I've tried not returning the fields in the query, but get a Cannot return null for non-nullable field User.saved
Have you tried removing the field declaration from your class? The field resolver is sufficient to add the field to your schema.
class User {
@Field((_type) => ID)
id: string;
in your resolver:
@FieldResolver() // this is sufficient!
async saved( ... )