
Using an unspecified index. Your data will be downloaded and filtered on the client

How do you Retrieve this from firebase?


Im trying create an app tracking the movement of the user but I cant get the location from the firebase. Ive Tried this code but the message below appears.

private void getEndLocation(){
    databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("User's Location");
    geoFire = new GeoFire(databaseReference);
    geoQuery = geoFire.queryAtLocation(new GeoLocation(adminCurrentLatitude,adminCurrentLongitude),10);
    geoQuery .removeAllListeners();

    geoQuery.addGeoQueryEventListener(new GeoQueryEventListener() {
        public void onKeyEntered(String key, GeoLocation location) {
            if(!userFound && requestType){
                userFound = true;
                userID = key;
                Log.d("Location", "onKeyEntered: "+userID);

        public void onKeyExited(String key) {


        public void onKeyMoved(String key, GeoLocation location) {


        public void onGeoQueryReady() {


        public void onGeoQueryError(DatabaseError error) {


Here is the message that I received:

Using an unspecified index. Your data will be downloaded and filtered on the client. Consider adding '".indexOn": "g"' at User's Location to your security and Firebase Database rules for better performance


  • For the query in your code you need to define an index in the security rules of your database like this:

      "rules": {
        "User's Location": {
          ".indexOn": "g"

    Also see the Firebase documentation on indexing data and previous questions with the same error message.