
Can you get Warp terminal as the integrated terminal in VS Code?

I followed the directions on Warp's documentation, but this only replaces the external terminal (it opens as a separate window).

I would like Warp to replace vscode's usage of xterm in the integrated terminal, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. My attempt was to edit the profiles in my settings.json:

"terminal.integrated.profiles.osx": {
        "bash": {
            "path": "bash",
            "args": [
            "icon": "terminal-bash"
        "zsh": {
            "path": "zsh",
            "args": [
        "fish": {
            "path": "fish",
            "args": [
        "tmux": {
            "path": "tmux",
            "icon": "terminal-tmux"
        "pwsh": {
            "path": "pwsh",
            "icon": "terminal-powershell"
        "warp": {
            "path": "/Applications/",
            "icon": "/Applications/"
    "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "warp",

but all this did was open up Warp in a separate window and the existing integrated terminal contained the output logs of Warp.

The Warp documentation doesn't include changing the integrated terminal and neither does the vscode documentation, so I highly suspect this is not feasible, but I was wondering if there was some less obvious workaround that someone might have found.


  • I guess that there's a misunderstanding of the terms 'warp' is a terminal emulator application but VSCode integrates command shells like bash, zsh, etc.

    terminal apps in most cases it's GUI apps that allow you to work with a command shell. In this case VSCode's terminal window it's a terminal app. that's why you can't just use 'warp' or any other GUI terminal emulator inside the VSCode environment.