I have the following Spring
component that I am trying to unit test:
public class OrderService {
private final DatabaseConnection dbConnection;
private final String collectionName;
public OrderService(
DatabaseConnection dbConnection,
DatabaseConfig databaseConfig) {
this.dbConnection = dbConnection;
this.collectionName = databaseConfig.getCollectionName();
//methods etc...
The DatabaseConfig
class is as follows:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "database")
public class DatabaseConfig {
//methods etc...
I am trying to inject mocks in my OrderService
class as follows:
class OrderServiceTest {
OrderService orderService;
DatabaseConnection dbConnection; // working as expected
DatabaseConfig databaseConfig; // giving null pointer
DatabaseCollectionConfig databaseCollectionConfig;
public void setup() {
When I run my test class I get:
Cannot instantiate @InjectMocks field named 'OrderService' of type 'class com.my.package.OrderService'.
You haven't provided the instance at field declaration so I tried to construct the instance.
However the constructor or the initialization block threw an exception : null
The issue is that in the OrderService
constructor when I debug this line is coming as null:
this.collectionName = databaseConfig.getCollectionName();
How can I correctly mock databaseConfig.getCollectionName()
to solve the null issue?
No need to use @InjectMock annotation because you are using constructor based injection in your service class. Please rewrite your test case like this and try again.
class OrderServiceTest {
OrderService orderService;
DatabaseConnection dbConnection; // working as expected
DatabaseConfig databaseConfig; // giving null pointer
DatabaseCollectionConfig databaseCollectionConfig;
public void setup(){
orderService = new OrderService(dbConnection, databaseConfig);