
Unable to get Salesforce ClientID and SecretID

I'm attempting to use Outh authentication for my PHP request to Salesforce but I can't get my ClientID and SecretID for my app.
I normally have an option to View these values but for some reason I'm unable to view them with an administrator login.
I created a new App and was able to get the credentials successfully, so I know it's not the account permissions preventing me from accessing this information.
Does anyone with experience of Salesforce have any experience with an inability to get these details?


  • Is it a normal app created in this org or managed connected app, coming from installed package? You can't see secrets of managed app.

    For normal app they're hidden behind a button. For me clicking it takes me to email challenge (provide OTC or one-time code we've sent to your mailbox). Completing that I can access the page with key and secret I can copy-paste.

    enter image description here

    Your user might be misconfigured. Try to fish around with browser's source inspector, maybe the button's there but doesn't render?

    <input id="appsetup:setupForm:details:oauthSettingsSection:manageConsumerKeySecretSection:manageConsumer" type="submit" name="appsetup:setupForm:details:oauthSettingsSection:manageConsumerKeySecretSection:manageConsumer" value="Manage Consumer Details" class="btn gsbutton">

    Is your email valid in this org (maybe it's a fresh sandbox with ".invalid")? Do you use Multi Factor Authentication? Do you think you have "high assurance session" configured when accessing certain areas of setup? Can be in Setup -> Session Settings or in your Profile