I am converting an Azure CLI app to use REST API in Python
In the CLI I can get, update project iterations:
However, I can only find team iterations in the API.
Is there an equivalent REST API for project iterations?
I tried variations of the below, but this only gives the team iterations
You could try the rest api: [Classification Nodes - Get Classification Nodes].
For example, this is the project iteration and team iteration
Then you could run the api with the filter '$depth', here in my sample it should be 2: To get the draft information of the project iteration and team iteration(inclue their id). Get https://dev.azure.com/{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/classificationnodes?$depth=2&api-version=5.0
And if you want to get more specific information about the project iteration, you could try to run with the filter 'id': Get https://dev.azure.com/{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/classificationnodes?ids=**&api-version=5.0
And for your reference, I use postman to run rest api, it seems you could choose language here:
I hope it could do some help. Thanks.