
Turn list of lists into key:value pairs in python

I have a system I am working with (Zapier!) which I am using to automate a workflow based on a google sheet which refreshes every hour. The Zap outputs raw row data in the following format:

list = [["header_1", "header_2", "header_3"], ["uuid_1", "first_timestamp_1", "second_timestamp_1"], ["uuid_2", "first_timestamp_2", "second_timestamp_2"], ["uuid_3", "first_timestamp_3", "second_timestamp_3"]]

What I am trying to do is transform this data into a json object that is a collection of key value pairs, with the first list element as the key and the remainder of the list elements as values. Ideally, my output would look like this:


This is the python I have thus far.

list = [["header_1", "header_2", "header_3"], ["uuid_1", "first_timestamp_1", "second_timestamp_1"], ["uuid_2", "first_timestamp_2", "second_timestamp_2"], ["uuid_3", "first_timestamp_3", "second_timestamp_3"]]

row_count = len(list)

if row_count == 1:
    header = list[0]
    output = []
    for element in list:
        for i in element:
            j = 0
            while j < len(header):
                key = header[j]
                value = i
                output = """+key+"":""+value+"""
                j = j+1

At this point, it looks like my code is erroring out when I try to append the new key:value pair to the ouput, but I'm not sure if this is even the right approach to take. The error message is:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'

Any advice or help would be appreciated!


  • In your while loop, you are overriding the variable output - you originally made it a list, and now it is a string. When you go to the second iteration of your for loop, output is now a string that does not have the append function.

    I am guessing you are trying to create a new dictionary element where you save the string in the variable output. The correct syntax for doing so (assuming there is a pre-existing dictionary tempdic) is:

    tempdic[key] = value

    Overall, you code should look something like this:

    l = [["header_1", "header_2", "header_3"], ["uuid_1", "first_timestamp_1", "second_timestamp_1"], ["uuid_2", "first_timestamp_2", "second_timestamp_2"], ["uuid_3", "first_timestamp_3", "second_timestamp_3"]]
    row_count = len(list)
    if row_count == 1:
        header = l[0]
        output = []
        for element in l[1:]:
            for i in element:
                j = 0
                while j < len(header):
                    key = header[j]
                    value = i
                    j = j+1

    As a side not, notice I changed your variable name list to l, list is a reserved object name in python and this could be confusing.