i have been following this example and here to flatten a type invain. Most of this flatten the object completely into removing the nests. I would like to to maintain my structure, just removing some wrappers (in this case body) in the nested objected which can be anything and n deep.
I would like to transform my type from
type TestInterface {
id: string
body: {
title: string
something: string
user: {
id: string
body: {
firstname: string
lastname: string
age: number
country: {
id: string
body: {
code: string
name: string
region: {
id: string
body: {
code: string
name: string
continent: {
id: string
body: {
code: string
name: string
the required output is the same type structure above but with the body wrapper dropped.
type TestInterface {
id: string
title: string
something: string
user: {
id: string
firstname: string
lastname: string
age: number
country: {
id: string
code: string
name: string
region: {
id: string
code: string
name: string
continent: {
id: string
code: string
name: string
type Pure<T> = T extends object ? {[K in keyof T]: T[K]} : T
type Flatten<T> = Pure<
| T extends {body: any} ? Flatten2<Omit<T, 'body'> & T['body']> : Flatten2<T>
type Flatten2<T> = T extends object ? {[K in keyof T]: Flatten<T[K]>} : T
type X = Flatten<TestInterface>