
nestjs global inject nestwinston and format

I'm trying to inject nestwinston globally in my nestjs app and also to keep a beautiful format in my console/terminal and in Grafana, and most important to display custom objects where needed, but using a beautiful format, not simply JSON.

My problem is that the nestwinston changes its behavior when is injected globally.

I followed, but when I'm running the next code sample, my error log's object is not displayed in log whatever format type I use (tried all of them and the only option was to format the log as simple JSON, which looks awful in Grafana):

import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
    private readonly logger: Logger,
  ) {
    this.logger.log("my message", {myValue: true});


[NestWinston] Info [Bootstrapper] my message - {}

see that {myValue: true} is not displayed in log... even it displays an empty object which I really don't know what it is...


  • I achived that by creating a custom LoggerService in which I use the nestwinston alongside with a custom logger formatter, then replacing the nestjs default logger with this service, so it will be used everywhere in my project.


    import { LoggerService as LS } from '@nestjs/common';
    import * as winston from 'winston';
    const { combine, timestamp, printf } = winston.format;
    import * as Transport from 'winston-transport';
    import {
      utilities as nestWinstonModuleUtilities,
    } from 'nest-winston';
    export class LoggerService implements LS {
      private logger: LS;
      constructor() {
        this.logger = WinstonModule.createLogger({
          transports: this.logTransports(),
      log(message: any, fields?: any) {
        this.logger.log(this.toPrettyJson(message, fields));
      error(message: any, fields?: any) {
        this.logger.error(this.toPrettyJson(message, fields));
      warn(message: any, fields?: any) {
        this.logger.warn(this.toPrettyJson(message, fields));
      debug(message: any, fields?: any) {
        this.logger.debug(this.toPrettyJson(message, fields));
      verbose(message: any, fields?: any) {
        this.logger.verbose(this.toPrettyJson(message, fields));
      private toPrettyJson(message: any, fields?: any) {
        let log = {};
        if (typeof message === 'string') {
          log['message'] = message;
        } else if (typeof message === 'object') {
          for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(message)) {
            log[key] = value;
        if (fields) {
          if (typeof fields === 'object') {
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(fields)) {
              log[key] = value;
          } else if (typeof fields === 'string') {
            log['context'] = fields;
        return log;
      private logTransports = () => {
        const format = combine(
        const logTransports: Transport[] = [
          new winston.transports.Console({
            format: format,
        return logTransports;


      const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
        logger: new LoggerService(),

    then in any module you want to use the new Logger, add it to providers:

    import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
    providers: [Logger...]

    and then to any module's service:

    import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
        private readonly logger: Logger,
      ) {
        // method 1
        this.logger.log("my message", {myValue: true});
        // method 2
        this.logger.log({message: "my message", myValue: true});


    [NestWinston] Info [Bootstrapper] my message - {"myValue": true}