
How to provide encoded json data to resources in cdktf for grafana

I appear to be an early adopter of cdktf for grafana using python. The following config is successfully transmitted and accepted by grafana

    DataSource(self, "xxx",
    uid = "datasource_influxdb",
    type = "influxdb",
    name = "...",
    url  = "...",
    json_data= [DataSourceJsonData(
        default_bucket    = "xxx",
        http_method       = "POST",
        organization      = "xxx",
        version           = "Flux",
        tls_skip_verify   = "true"

The documentation is unclear on how to provide json_data_encoded and secure_json_data_encoded.

I have a working terraform config: (terraform grafana_provider datasource_influx2 encode not working? / How to provide an influx2 token?)


  • The solution is simple python json encoding using json.dumps(dict())

        DataSource(self, "xxx",
        uid = "datasource_influxdb",
        type = "influxdb",
        name = "xxx",
        url  = "xxx
        json_data_encoded = json.dumps(
            dict(defaultBucket    = "xxx",
            httpMode       = "POST",
            organization      = "xxx",
            version           = "Flux",
            tlsSkipVerify     = True)
        secure_json_data_encoded = json.dumps(
            dict(token = "xxx")

    Beware to use the actual keys required by grafana and ignore the mappings of cdktf