
Practical example for Dependency Injection and mocking with Googlemock

I'm looking for a simple complete cut and paste example for Dependency Injection and mocking using Googlemock. I have found several theoretical discussion about the issue with code snippets that explains how it works but wasn't able to find a complete running example to cut and paste and try. Is there something available?


  • Ingo's example using std::shared_ptr.

    // Ingo's answer to Dependency Injection and mocking modified to
    // use std::shared_ptr.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    #include "gmock/gmock.h"
    #include "gtest/gtest.h"
    class MylibInterface {
      virtual ~MylibInterface() {}
      virtual int func() = 0;
    class Mylib : public MylibInterface {
      virtual ~Mylib() {}
      int func() override {
        return 123;
    using MyLibPtr = std::shared_ptr<MylibInterface>;
    class MylibMock : public MylibInterface {
      virtual ~MylibMock() {}
      MOCK_METHOD(int, func, (), (override));
    class Myapp {
      // this pointer will be injected by the injector either with pointing
      // to the real object or to the mock object. The interface ensures that both
      // objects have the same method calls.
      // MylibInterface* m_mylib;
      MyLibPtr m_mylib;
      Myapp(MyLibPtr mylib) : m_mylib(mylib) {}
      bool func() {
        int ret = m_mylib->func();
        std::cout << "mylib.func returns: '" << ret << "'\n";
        return true;
    TEST(MylibTestSuite, mock_mylib_func)
    // this test macro can be seen as the injector. It determins what object
    // is injected to myapp.
      using ::testing::Return;
      // inject a real mylib object to myapp and exersize it
      Myapp myapp(std::make_shared<Mylib>());
      std::cout << "  real ";
      // inject a mocked mylib object to myapp
      //MylibMock mylib_mock;
      auto lp = std::make_shared<MylibMock>();
      Myapp myapp_mock( lp );
      //EXPECT_CALL(mylib_mock, func())
      EXPECT_CALL( *lp, func())
      // and exersize it
      std::cout << "mocked ";
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
      return RUN_ALL_TESTS();