
Implementing a graph-based SDN network management system as a DFD

Can I use Data Flow Diagram (DFD) to implement an SDN Network Management System? The developed system handles topology modeling and storage (as a Graph in a graph DB), load balancing, security, acquiring traffic statistics, and routing. All these functions are performed as a cooperation between the graph database and the SDN controller. The results are projected as services in the SDN Application Plane.

If DFD is not applicable, please suggest an alternative.

Thanks in advance.


  • Data Flow Diagrams can represent any kind of processing, since it show how data moves between systems or processes or storage. DFD allow also to decompose systems/processes into sub-systems/sub-processes to see the details of a system's internal flows, up to the desired level of details.

    However, DFD has several limitations, in view of your domain:

    A better alternative would be UML. It provides: