
trouble understanding list.begin() | list.end() | list<int>::iterator i

void Graph::max_path(){
    for(int i=0; i <N; i++){
        cost[i]=0; cam_max[i]=999;
     // Percorre todos os vertices adjacentes do vertice
    int max = 0;
  list<int>::iterator i; 
  for (int a = 0; a < N ; a++){
    int v = ordely[a];
        for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i){
          int viz = *i;
          if (cost[viz]<cost[v]+1){
                cost[viz] = cost[v]+1;
                if(cost[viz]>max) max = cost[viz];
  cout << "\nCusto maximo " << max;

I need to convert this C++ program to a python program... However, I'm struggling to understand what this adj[v].begin() inside the for loop means. Can anyone explain it to me, please?


  • begin and end are iterators (specfically, pointers), which are used to iterate over a container.

    You could imagine begin as 0 and end as the size of an array. So it is like for (i = 0; i < size; ++i).

    However, the thing about pointers is that they're addresses, so in C++, i < end (where i started as begin) is more like 0xF550 < 0xF556 (example) which has the same effect of iterating 6 times assuming i increases each iteration.

    In fact, that's actually how for-each loops work behind the scenes in many languages.
    In python, just use a normal for-loop.

    I don't know much about python or your Graph class but I guess this could get you started:

    def max_path(self) :
    for i in range(N) :
        self.cost[i] = 0
        self.cam_max[i] = 999
        max = 0
        for a in range(N) :
            v = self.ordely[a]
            for i in self.adj[v] :
                viz = i
                if self.cost[viz] < self.cost[v] + 1 :
                    self.cost[viz] = self.cost[v] + 1
                    if self.cost[viz] > max :
                        max = self.cost[viz]
                        print("\nCusto maximo ", max)

    Notice how iterators weren't needed in the python version cause you used a normal for-loop.

    By the way, in C++, you could use for/for-each too, the code you posted is unnecessarily complicated and unoptimized. For example, the first 2 loops in your code could be merged into 1 loop cause they both had the exact same range thus I optimized them into 1.