This question is in relation to Dr Angela Yu's 11th day of Python tutorials. I am not able to execute the code I typed in. The code is typed in replit. Where am I making mistakes? This code is supposed to play the game of Blackjack.
import random
from replit import clear
from art import logo
def draw_card():
cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
return random.choice(cards)
def calculate_score(cards):
if sum(cards) == 21 and len(cards) == 2:
return 0
if sum(cards) > 21 and 11 in cards:
return sum(cards)
def compare(user_score, computer_score):
if user_score > 21 and computer_score > 21:
print("You went over 21. You lost")
elif computer_score == 0:
print("You lost. Computer has blackjack")
elif user_score == 0:
print("You won with a blackjack.")
elif user_score == computer_score:
elif user_score > 21:
print("You lost")
elif computer_score > 21:
print("you won")
elif user_score > computer_score:
print("You won.")
print("Computer won")
def play_game():
print (logo)
user_cards = []
computer_cards = []
for number in range(2):
game_end = False
while not game_end:
user_score = calculate_score(user_cards)
computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)
print(f" Your cards: {user_cards}, your score: {user_score}.")
print(f" Computer's first card: {computer_cards[0]}")
get_card = input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass: ")
if get_card == "y".lower():
game_end = True
while computer_score < 17:
print(f" Your final hand: {user_cards}, final score: {user_score}")
print(f" Computer's final hand: {computer_cards}, final score: {computer_score}")
print(compare(user_score, computer_score))
play = input("Do you want to play a game of blackjack. Type y or n: ").lower()
while play == "y":
I am not able to debug this code in thonny due to some functions I can only find in replit.
You never recompute computer_score
, so computer_score < 17
will stay True