
what is Get.create() in the Getx package and what it does

reading the Getx package documentation, I faced this method:

  Get.create<ShoppingController>(() => ShoppingController()); 

and it says:

Get.create(()=>Controller()) will generate a new Controller each time you call Get.find(),

but, I don't seem to understand what this means and how it differs from the Get.put() and Get.lazyPut().


  • I found the answer for that question.

    The big difference between

    Get.create<ShoppingController>(() => ShoppingController()); 

    And :


    Both of them are used in injecting dependencies in the a Flutter app, But Get.put<T>(T()) injects it just one time and whenever we call Get.find<T>() it looks up for that exact dependency and return it, so we can rememeber this:

    Get.put<T>(()) inject a dependency and whatever time we call Get.find<T>() across the entire app, the same T is returned.

    In the other side, Get.create<V>(() => V) also inject a dependency in a Flutter app, But every time we call Get.find<V>(), it doesn't return the same V, it creates a new instance of V, then return it, so we can rememeber this:

    Get.create<V>(() => V) don't return the same instance, it creates a new one every time Get.find<V>() is called.

    Get.put(T()) :

    class ControllerOne extends GetxController {
    int number = 10;
    increment() {
     number += 10;
    final controllerOne =  Get.put<ControllerOne>(ControllerOne());
    final controllerOneFinder = Get.find<controllerOne>();
    final controllerOneSecondFinder = Get.find<controllerOne>();
    print(controllerOneFinder.number); // 20
    print(controllerOneSecondFinder.number); // 20

    it stay the same.

    Get.create(() =>T) :

    class ControllerTwo extends GetxController {
    int secondNumber = 10;
    increment() {
     secondNumber += 10;
    final controllerTwo =  Get.create<ControllerTwo>(() => (ControllerTwo());
    final controllerTwoFinder = Get.find<ControllerTwo>();
    final controllerTwoSecondFinder = Get.find<ControllerTwo>();
    print(controllerTwoFinder.number); // 20
    print(controllerTwoSecondFinder.number); // 10

    Each one is different than the other. (controllerTwoSecondFinder == controllerTwoFinder) is false.