
Recommended way to break out of a Watchdog Timer (WDT) supported main loop

I need to include hardware WDTs on both ESP32 and rp Pico based systems running micropython. I am using the Thonny IDE and with an 8s timeout on the Pico I can interrupt (Cntrl-C) the system and quickly delete the main from the board. This then allows me to continue development of the code. This approach works with an 8s timeout but if I was working with much shorter delays I am not so sure that it would. My concern is getting stuck with a I can't change? Is there a better way anyone can recommend to handle this.

PS: Relative beginner with Python. The more I know, the more I know I don't!


  • What works for me: add time.sleep() for 5 seconds in the beginning of your code where you can kill script from Thonny using CTRL+C before WDT has been initiated. This way you dont need to delete file manually from board, you just stop it's execution before WDT