
Reducing code for iterating over the same list with nested for loops but with different variables

Is there any in build python iterating tool that reduces 3 row of for loops into one row? Here are the nested for loops that I want to reduce.

some_list = ["AB", "CD", "EF", "GH"]

for word_1 in some_list:
    for word_2 in some_list:
        for word_3 in some_list:
            print(word_1, word_2, word_3) #Outputs all different combinations

I have tried the following but with no success:

some_list = ["AB", "CD", "EF", "GH"]

for word_1 ,word_2, word_3 in zip(some_list, some_list, some_list):
    print(word_1 , word_2, word_3) #Outputs parallel elements, which is not what I want.


  • Yes there is, it's product from itertools.

    from itertools import product
    some_list = ["AB", "CD", "EF", "GH"]
    for word_1 ,word_2, word_3 in product(some_list, repeat=3):
        print(word_1 , word_2, word_3)

    You can also use tuple unpacking to make it even more concise, like this

    some_list = ["AB", "CD", "EF", "GH"]
    for words in product(some_list, repeat=3):

    Output (in both cases):

    AB AB AB
    AB AB CD
    AB AB EF
    AB AB GH
    AB CD AB
    AB CD CD
    AB CD EF
    AB CD GH
    AB EF AB
    AB EF CD