
Gatling: Consuming all values from a Collection (Feeder) in parallel

I have a list of user ids, they can be stored in a Collection or Feeder. In the test I create users with provided ids (around 2000 users) in one POST request and then send GET requests to verify that the users were created. It may take 5-10 seconds to create all the users, but first users start to appear after 0.5-1 second. I am creating and verifying users simultaneously in two different scenarios. The problem is that verifyUsers(ids) will send GET requests for each id one by one, but I need them to be sent in parallel because each GET request will take some time and I don't want to create a queue.

def createUsers(ids: List[String]): ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Create users")

def verifyUsers(ids: List[String]) = scenario("Verify users")
    .repeat(ids.size, "iterator") {
        exec(session => {
            val index: Int = session("iterator").as[Int]
            session.set("id", ids.take(index))
            .exec(verifyUserWithId) // verifyUserWithId will then take a userId from the session and send a GET request with that id



  • In short, you want multiple producers (virtual users in the createUsers scenario) and multiple consumers (virtual users in the verifyUsers scenario), with a queue in between.

    Some hints:

    Edit: If your use case is actually that the producer produces all records at once, the solution is way easier:

    Hope it helps!