
Property "product" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance

Sorry for this stupid quastion i'm beginer, i found many answers about this problem, but still can't resolve my issue... Help me please...

I use Nuxt3, and just trying add component to a page, can't understand where my mistake..

The problem is that the page transition animation no longer works, but the component appeared

Component ServiceCard.vue:

  <div class="w-[600px] h-[400px]">
      alt="oleksii vratskyi - online store project"

    <h5 class="font-bold text-xl text-stone-300 mt-5">Online store</h5>

<script setup>
const { product } = defineProps(["product"])

Page portfolio.vue:

  <div class="grid grid-cols-2 place-items-center text-stone-300">
      <ServiceCard :card="product" /> 

      <ServiceCard :card="product" /> 


import { ServiceCard } from '@nuxt/schema';


  • I see some issues...


    Component ServiceCard.vue:

      <div class="w-[600px] h-[400px]">
          alt="oleksii vratskyi - online store project"
        <h5 class="font-bold text-xl text-stone-300 mt-5">Online store</h5>
        <!-- use prop if you want to include in the child component... -->
    <script setup>
    // if you're not using the prop, you can remove this prop definition
    const { product } = defineProps(["product"])

    Page PortfolioView.vue:

      <div class="grid grid-cols-2 place-items-center text-stone-300">
          <!-- if there's no `card` prop defined, no need to send it -->
          <!-- ...but if you do want to pass a product -->
          <ServiceCard :product="product"/>
    <script setup>
    // use ⬆setup⬆ here too if you're using setup convention
    // just guessing here, but probably where your component might be
    import { ServiceCard } from './components/ServiceCard .vue';
    // you can define a product here if you want to pass it to the child component
    const product = {
      name: "such wow🐕"