
Are CIM/XML and RDF/XML completely different?

I am studying RDF and CIM. I am studying RDF after reading IEC 61970 501 and 552, but I am not sure what exactly is the difference between these. From what I have understood so far, is it right to define namespace well to become CIM XML?


  • IEC 61970-552:2016 specifies the format and rules for exchanging modelling information based upon the CIM. It uses the CIM RDF Schema presented in IEC 61970-501 as the meta-model framework for constructing XML documents of power system modelling information. The style of these documents is called. CIMXML format IEC 61970-552:2016

    RDF/XML is a syntax, defined by the W3C, to express an RDF graph (triples) as an XML document. An XML Syntax for RDF

    In plain language RDF/XML tells you how to serialize triples (RDF graph) as an XML document, where other option might be a Turtle serialization. And the CIMXML tells you how to serialize CIM modeled data as XML messages. It is based on CIM/RDFS but further more expands on that concept.

    I hope that this will give you a clear picture, but feel free to reach out if you have more questions.